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C7N(LC1-D) AC Contactor

C7N series AC contactor are suitable for frequency 50/60Hz, rated insulation voltage up to 1000V, roated operation current 9-330A under AC-3 duty. It is mainly used for making/breaking electric circuits at a long distance & for frequent starting/stopping & contolling AC motors. It is used in combination with thermal relay to compose a magnetic motor starter.
  • America

Technical Data

Rated operating voltoge &rated insulation voltage of the contactor see table 1.             table 1
type C7N:9-95 C7N-115-330
Rated operating voltage (M 220-660 220-1000
Rated insulation voltage (V) 660 1000
Conventional thermal current and rated operating current and maximum power of controllabe 3-phase
AC motor under AC-3 duty see table 2. toble 2
type conventional thermal
    current A
Rated cperating cunetA power of cantraliable mator(kv)
380v 660v 1000v 380V 380v 1000V
C7N-9 20 9 6.6
4 5.5
C7N-12 20 12 8.9
5.5 7.5
C7N-16 32 16 10.6
7.5 9
C7N-26 40 25 18
11 15
C7N-32 50 32 21
15 18.5
C7N-40 60 40 34
18.5 30
C7N-50 80 50 39
22 33
C7N-63 80 63 42
30 37
C7N-80 125 80 49
37 45
C7N-95 125 95 49
45 45
Endurance is shown in table 3.                                                                                                                   toble 3
TyPe Fequerctof cperctior(1/M Mechonico enduronce ki0n Beetncdl enourone
C7N-9-25 1200 1000 100
C7N-32-40 600 800 80
C7N-80-95 600 60

Voltage range of control coil: l0.85-1.1IUS.

Technical date of the auxiliary contacts see table 4.                                                                               table 4
Utlizatien Categc AC-15 DC-13
Rated insulation voltage (v 660
Rated operating voltage (v 380 220
Conventional thermal current (A 10
Rated operating current (A) 0.95 0.15
Control capocity 360VA 33W
Voitage of control coil and power see table 5.                                                          toble 5
Type Cortrel Veltage v cantrol capcity
Storting VA Attrecting VA
C7N-9-16 24,36.48,110,127
60 7
C7N-25-32 90 7.5
C7N-40-95 200 20


Contactor and other auxiliary blocks.


Outline and Mounting Dimensions


09 12 18 25 32 38 40 50 65 80 95 115 150
b 76.6 76.6 76.6 76.6 76.6 76.6 127 127 127 127 127 158 158
C 87 87 87 94 94 94 116 116 116 123.8 123.8 132 132

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